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:: Volume 2, Issue 3 (fall 2024) ::
3 2024, 2(3): 1-13 Back to browse issues page
Tele Nursing in People with Myocardial Infarction: A Narrative Review
Fatieh Kerman Saravi , Samaneh Fallah karimi , Zahra Khalilzadeh farsangi * , Fatemeh Etemadinia , Leila Mohammadi Fard
Community Nursing Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran.
Abstract:   (226 Views)
Introduction: Considering the prevalence and statistics of high mortality caused by myocardial infarction and on the other hand, the increasing evidence of the effectiveness of telenursing, this study was conducted with the aim of reviewing the use of telenursing in myocardial infarction people.
Methods: The current research is a review-narrative study, which is a library study and search for related articles in Google Scholar search engine and Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed ,SID, Magiran databases with a combination of key words heart attack, myocardial infarction, telenursing, a targeted
search was conducted. All full-text articles in Persian and English were reviewed in the 10-year period from 2013 to 2023, and in the initial search, 184 articles were found, which after checking the entry and exit criteria Finally, 25 articles were included in the study.
Results: The reviewed articles, the effective role of telenursing in education and support for a better understanding of the condition of myocardial infarction people, improving the quality of life, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, improving adherence to diet, medication and physical activity; which can ultimately lead to better self-care and self-management of the disease and reduction of health care costs.
Conclusions: The findings show that with the continued development of technology, the potential of using telenursing and its positive effect on myocardial infarction people is significant. Based on this, it is necessary to support the use of telenursing in heart infarction people from different aspects and be considered as part of treatment and health care plans for these people.
Keywords: Tele-nursing, Heart attack, Myocardial infarction
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/09/2 | Accepted: 2024/11/5 | Published: 2024/11/21
* Corresponding Author Address: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran.
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Kerman Saravi F, fallah karimi S, khalilzadeh farsangi Z, etemadinia F, Mohammadi Fard L. Tele Nursing in People with Myocardial Infarction: A Narrative Review. 3 2024; 2 (3) :1-13
URL: http://ijsr.ir/article-1-180-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (fall 2024) Back to browse issues page
نشریه مرور سیستماتیک در علوم پزشکی Iranian Journal of Systematic Review in Medical Sciences
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