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:: Guidance for Reviewers ::
 | Post date: 2021/09/18 | 
  The online article review system is designed to expedite the review process of articles by journal or conference reviewers. The general steps of this process for judges are as follows:

Register the referee as a user in the program
Establish access as an arbitrator and determine the specialties of the arbitrator
Designate the article for review by the referee and send an email
Refer the referee to the site and log in with your username and password
Go to the judging section and receive articles
Perform arbitration steps

Register the referee as a user in the program

In order to be a judge in the program, you must first register as a user in the database. Then fill out the membership form of this site. This form will be available to you at the following address:
the site url/form_register.php

Establish access as an arbitrator and determine the specialties of the arbitrator
After registering the user, the program manager can determine the special access to the program with the help of the electronic judging section> Introducing the judges to the program and also specify the specialties of the judges for the program.

Designate the article for review by the referee and send an email
After making the refereeing settings and introducing the judges, the program manager can make the articles submitted to the program available to the expert judges. At the same time, an e-mail will be sent to the judges and information will be provided.

Refer the referee to the site and log in with your username and password
To enter the program, all you have to do is enter your username and password in the appropriate boxes on the main page.

Go to the judging section and receive articles
You can use the navigation bar at the top of the pages to enter the judging section and view the list of articles selected for judging.

Perform arbitration steps
After entering the judging section, you will see three different lists of articles:
1. List of new articles New articles include articles that have recently been added to the list of articles for review. After reading these articles, you can cancel their judging or fill out the judging form.
2. Incomplete judgments Incomplete judging includes a list of articles whose judging process is incomplete. You can review these articles again and change your comments if needed.
3. Approved judgments Because you have endorsed your opinion on these articles, the program managers have considered the results of your judging for the selection of articles. Therefore, approved judgments are listed on this page only to view the judging results (not to change them).

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نشریه مرور سیستماتیک در علوم پزشکی Iranian Journal of Systematic Review in Medical Sciences
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